DeSantis Slams Critical Race Theory, Says Florida Schools Will Exclude ‘Unsubstantiated Theories’ from Curriculum

by Debra Heine


During a press conference in Palm Harbor, Florida on Wednesday, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced that his administration is banning “Critical Race Theory” from being taught in Florida schools.

The governor made the announcement while describing a new civics education initiative aimed at teaching students “foundational concepts” in America, rather than “unsubstantiated theories.”

“Florida’s civics curriculum will incorporate foundational concepts with the best materials, and it will expressly exclude unsanctioned narratives like Critical Race Theory, and other unsubstantiated theories.” ” DeSantis said. “There’s no room in our classrooms for things like Critical Race Theory. Teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money,” the governor added.

“So will we will invest in actual solid, true curriculum, and we will be a leader in the development and implementation of a world-class civics education.

Critical Race Theory is a toxic, culturally Marxist worldview that posits that racism is the ordinary state of affairs in our society. Critical Race theorists argue that all white people are racists and their racism is manifested everywhere, all the time, in all their interactions.

An early adherent of CRT was former president Barack Obama, who learned about the ideology from his Harvard professor, critical race theorist Derrick Bell.

The formerly fringe belief has now become mainstreamed throughout society—in woke corporations, woke media, woke entertainment, and worst of all, woke school curriculums.

Controversy over the issue recently came to a boiling point in Loudoun County, Virginia, where the school district’s adoption of Critical Race Theory has caused a backlash.

According to the Daily Wire’s Luke Rosiak, a group of woke current and former teachers in the county “compiled a lengthy list of parents suspected of disagreeing with school system’s teaching of Critical Race Theory, and planned to “infiltrate,” use “hackers” to silence parents’ communications, and “expose these people publicly.”

Members of a 624-member private Facebook group called “Anti-Racist Parents of Loudoun County” named parents and plotted fundraising and other offline work. Some used pseudonyms, but The Daily Wire has identified them as a who’s who of the affluent jurisdiction outside D.C., including school staff and elected officials.

The sheriff’s criminal investigations division is reviewing the matter — but the group’s activities might be no surprise to top law enforcement because the county’s prosecutor, narrowly elected with the help of $845,000 in cash from George Soros, appears to be a member of the Facebook group.

Secret communications reviewed by The Daily Wire do not offer any evidence of racism by the group’s targets, or even attempt to. Their opponents were apparently those who objected to, sought to debate, or were even simply “neutral” about “critical race theory,” a radical philosophy opposed by many liberals and conservatives but increasingly embraced by governments.

Former President Trump on September 22 issued an executive order effectively ending funding for critical race theory in personnel training programs throughout the executive branch.

Immediately upon entering office, Joe Biden rescinded Trump’s order banning the toxic ideology in training programs.

Republican lawmakers in West Virginia, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Georgia are also seeking to ban Critical Race Theory from being taught in state workplaces, schools, and government agencies.

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness.






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One Thought to “DeSantis Slams Critical Race Theory, Says Florida Schools Will Exclude ‘Unsubstantiated Theories’ from Curriculum”

  1. Gordon Shumway

    good. at the core it is just marxism repackaged, and has no place in america.
